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The future doesn’t belong to the privileged few, it belongs to a diverse group of people who are courageous enough to fight to make a place for their voices to be heard and their passions to be built. For our co founders - Jacqueline and Joanne, this is exactly what they set out to do.

Although they come from different backgrounds – Jacqueline in finance and sports, Joanne in creative, branding and business – they both shared common values from the very get-go. Bound by their urge to empower women and to raise awareness about gender inequality, they knew that for golf to make progress, changes had to be made. 

Their first order of business is to rebrand the image of golf, starting with women’s golf apparel. Next comes the heavy lifting by way of spotlighting female events and women golfers for the recognition they truly deserve. Ultimately, their goal is to build a brand that drives and supports progress towards a sustainable future for the game free from prejudice for our next generation of players.

As avid female golfers, both me and my partner Jacqueline, a pro golfer, have experienced inequality in the game. We feel the need to create a supportive community and we hope our brand becomes that powerful platform for change and positive impact to the industry. There are so many things we can do to support females in the golf industry as well as our next generation of young players.

We want to create something different, to produce golf apparel made with innovative technology but also made through a sustainable and environmentally-conscious approach. We are doing this not only for Mother Earth but also for our future generation. We know that this is our responsibility as an apparel brand and we would like to influence our peers to do so too.

This is more than just a simple project to develop and sell apparel. It is about challenging ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and constantly grow, just like in the game of golf, as well as in life. The Fairway is a Golfer’s Runway and by wearing FAIRMONDE™, we want ladies to shine with confidence in the game.


– Co-founder, Joanne

My life has always revolved around golf since I was young, it has given me so many opportunities in my education, career and in life. With a golf scholarship to study in the US, job opportunities abroad as well as back home, and now creating my very own golf apparel brand.

More than just apparel, FAIRMONDE™ is about giving an opportunity for women from all walks of life to experience the game of golf in a fun environment without feeling intimidated by a male-dominated sport. I have often experienced gender inequality in the game. Tournament goodie bags only give out male-sized shirts, and female winnings are always paid less than the amount of male winnings despite playing in the same field.

This gap has discouraged females from participating in the game.Ever since volunteering at the First Tee Fort Worth USA event in 2015, my heart was set on growing the game for today's generation of women golfers. I have always enjoyed giving back to the golf community.

“One woman alone is powerful, together we’re impactful.” FAIRMONDE™ is about creating a supportive community for female of all ages to experience the greatest game of all time.


– Co-founder, Jacqueline


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